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Bestseller portrays pain of lost parent

“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, the national bestseller and second novel by author Jonathan Safran Foer, takes on a heavy task: describing the profound pain that comes from losing a loved one. Foer sets out to do this through the perspective of his main character, a grieving boy, coping with the recent death of his father in the attack on the World Trade Center.

The bars in a different light

I recently tried to kill two birds with one stone. This being the time of year when term papers, projects and finals heap themselves upon students with reckless abandon, I am doing a project on the bar scene in San Luis Obispo. I can’t give up my night life just because I have a couple of projects and term papers due, can I?

The best of both worlds, right? Not so much.

Does your band have what it takes to be the best?

In an effort to find upcoming college bands and musical acts, mtvU announced the launch of its Web site The site gives students an opportunity to build profiles featuring blogs, videos and their original music. The most popular bands will be eligible for awards including artist of the year, month and week.

New hip-hop club breaks onto scene

Some people view hip-hop music as nothing more than just that, music.

But a Cal Poly group still in its first year on campus is representing hip-hop culture and all of its elements: emcees, DJs, graffiti art and breakdancing.

Formed last spring, Students United by Hip-Hop Culture’s mission statement is “to provide a place for those interested in hip-hop culture to take part in or experience the culture as well as positively affect the community.

Ignorance not a choice in fight against hunger

In October 2000, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that almost half the world’s population lived on less than $2 a day. In the same sentence he added that “even this statistic fails to capture the humiliation, powerlessness and brutal hardship that is the daily lot of the world’s poor.

Poly volleyball: once again a powerhouse

I was running late Friday night after a mid-afternoon nap that turned into an early-evening slumber. I awoke at precisely 6:23 p.m., seven minutes before I had planned to arrive at the Cal Poly volleyball match.

The match didn’t start until 8 p.m., but I wanted to make sure my butt was firmly planted in a courtside seat as the Mustangs battled Michigan in NCAA Tournament action.

Risk Green Army empire nears world domination

SAN LUIS OBISPO – In an ongoing World War centralized on a Parker Brothers Risk Board amid empty pizza boxes and spent 2-liter bottles of Jolt cola, Green Army Commander Spencer Porter has seized control of 30 of 42 countries, putting victory within sight for the first time in the recent weeks.

Support Poly's renewable energy initiatives

I am writing to inform our campus and larger community of the impressive steps that Cal Poly has taken to be the Countys lead producer of renewable energy. This past summer, a 135kW array of solar photovoltaic energy panels were installed on the roof of Engineering West.

'Tis the season to be flying solo

“Sigh.” This is the general sentiment sweeping campus at this time of the quarter, encapsulated in a single word, which, when expressed, is merely an audible release of all our distress and anxieties into the brisk December air.

But, is this feeling of accumulating heaviness merely due to the molasses-like crawl of finals week inching closer on the calendar? No; seeping in with the cold, there is that pervasive sense of wistfulness, even melancholy, and an odd longing that signals one thing:

The holidays are here.

Rec Center overlooks cement beach next-door

A new poolside recreation area will open on campus the beginning of winter quarter.

The parcel, located at the Cal Poly Rec Center pool, will feature a shaded picnic area, outdoor showers and a space for a portable barbecue. A construction team recently tore down the pool area’s east wall to incorporate the beach volleyball courts into the location.

All but one starter returns for Poly volleyball team in 2007

Though its historic season ultimately ended with a disappointing 3-1 home loss Saturday night to Cal in the second round of the NCAA Tournament, the Cal Poly volleyball program feels like it has plenty to look forward to.

And with all but one starter returning and perhaps the strongest influx of talent in program history on the way for next season, who can blame the Mustangs for feeling that way?

“I see a very bright future for this program,” said outside hitter Candace Milton, the lone graduating starter for Cal Poly.