34 Articles2 Comments

Reggae-rock bands hit San Luis Obispo once again

California natives the Dirty Heads and the Expendables make their way to SLO once again for two separate performances. The Expendables take the stage at Downtown Brew Friday night, followed by the Dirty Heads on Sunday.

Annual ‘Banned Book Week’ reaches final chapter

Banned Books Week came to its close Oct. 1. The event opened the floor for library patrons to discuss why certain books would be censored and to talk about the ideas that made those books controversial in the first place.

Injured Olowolafe prepares for conference

Dominique Olowolafe has been sidelined due to an injury early in this year’s preseason. She plans to rejoin her team, which has been gone 10-3 in preseason and 2-0 in conference without her.

Poly senior is potential mayor

Cal Poly senior Andrew Farrell is preparing for the November elections where he will be on the ballot for Mayor. Some feel that he lacks the experience needed for the job. Regardless, Farrell is taking his candidacy seriously and is looking forward to a victory.

Opinions shift over continuing construction

As construction continues on Cal Poly’s campus, opinions on the construction are shifting from it being a hindrance to a positive thing for the university.

BLOG: Glen Beck’s speech worthy of location?

Conservative pundit Glenn Beck addressed thousands at his “Restoring Honor” rally on Aug. 28 at the Lincoln Memorial.

“Save our Downtown” gains popularity on Facebook

David Lee, an architecture and environmental design senior, created “Save our Downtown”, a group on Facebook opposed to the plans to build a new building in SLO’s downtown area.

Electro-dance-pop group MGMT packs Avila Beach concert

Dance-pop group MGMT didn’t dissapoint at Avila Beach Resort Friday night. They played songs from all three releases.

Presidential candidate Montemagno speaks at open forum

Presidential candidate Carlo Montemagno spoke and answered questions at two open forums on campus today. He is one of three potential candidates to take over for President Warren Baker.

President Baker hands out awards for community service

President Baker handed out awards for community service to students, faculty and community members Friday.

Cal Poly presidential series: Dr. Sona K. Andrews

Sona Andrews, was announced to the public as one of the three candidates to be President Warren Baker’s successor.