Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez
16 Articles0 Comments

Suntanning 101:Aÿ What you should know before heading to the beach

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez            So, it’s that time of year again when the sun in shinning brightly, your class load lightens up and suntanning becomes an extracurricular activity practiced as often as possible.  But be careful, tanning in an…

Today's 'Pollen Cast' shows allergies are high

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez Wednesday's forecast includes moderate levels of tree and grass pollen with a low level of weed pollen. But watch out for Thursday, when pollen levels for grass are expected to be high. It turns out…

Fad Diets: Consider your options first

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez     Every day another study is published that tells us what we already know: more and more American adults and children are becoming obese. Overall, our diets are high in processed foods and low in nutrient-dense…

A change in school beverage options.

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez When I was in elementary school, the idea of vending machines on campus was ludicrous. The junior high school I attended actually had a juice box vending machine. I remember thinking how unfair it was…

Brightening up your smile

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez Do you judge the attractiveness of others by the color of their teeth? Let's say you're walking around downtown and you encounter a hot girl or guy. How do you feel once they smile at…

Exercise without the gym clothes

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez While it may not be a primary concern for many Cal Poly students, it's not uncommon knowledge that we aren't all getting enough exercise. After all, if we were all working out constantly, the line…

Quick tips to staying fit

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez While it may not be a primary concern for many Cal Poly students, it's not uncommon knowledge that we aren't all getting enough exercise.  After all, if we were all working out constantly, the line…

The HIV guilty

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez Over 20 years after the AIDS epidemic first started making headlines, issues relating to the disease are still making precedent in our courts.  The California Supreme Court is currently hearing the case of a Los…

Healthy steps for stress

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez It's that wonderful time of year again, the time where everyone is stressed-out from midterms and is frantically getting all their ducks in a row studying for finals. While you're putting in those late night…

Cal Poly loves coffee

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez If you walk around campus in the morning, you will see them standing and waiting. Groups of tired students and staff, waiting with "to-go" lids in hand, eyeing the girls behind the counter.  They form…

The Whooping Cough

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez Last week Cal Poly experienced its first case of pertussis (or whooping cough) in recent years.  The infected student was living in Sierra Madre, and diagnosed at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center. The student is…