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Cal Poly presidential candidate series: Dr. Steven R. Angle

Steven R. Angle will be the last candidate in the running for Cal Poly president to visit the campus this Wednesday.

BLOG: PAC-MAN turns 30

Google celebrates Pac-Man turning 30 with a version of the game on the home page.

Silent film festival comes to Performing Arts Center

Silent films from the 1920s will once again grace the silver screen and will be presented as they originally were, with live music, this Sunday at the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center.

ASI Elections staff investigate allegations of dirty campaigning

ASI officials have investigated allegations surrounding “dirty campaigning” including campaigning while wearing an ASI shirt, soliciting door-to-door in resident halls and distributing candy during election days.

BLOG- How to protect your Facebook

As most Facebook users may have noticed, earlier this year, Facebook changed it’s privacy settings, making once private information public. Here is some information for how to fix this.

Relay for life brings teams together to raise money for a cure

Relay for Life brings the community out to celebrate cancer survivors, remember those who lost their lives to the disease and fight back by raising money for a cure.

BLOG: New legislation set to ban ethnic studies courses in Arizona

As Arizona takes on new legislation to target illegal immigrants, the elimination of ethnic studies courses has become an accompanying issue.

Women’s energy forum attracts two students

California’s first energy forum headed by women and focused on renewable energy policy was attended by 2 Cal Poly students.

Bobby Crocker strives for the majors

Bobby Crocker — a starting sophomore outfielder — has his eyes set on one thing. One day, he plans to play on a professional field.

Soup and Substance to discuss ‘unclear’ group as part of Pride Week

A panel will discuss transgender issues at the Soup and Substance event on Tuesday.

Donating old jeans to make a difference

The Women’s Program and Services will be collecting old jeans to be donated to the women’s shelter Tuesday and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Mott Lawn.