Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert
15 Articles0 Comments

Are you sick … of working?

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I’m not gonna lie. Last night, I went out big and I was so hungover this morning I had to call into work sick. I know if I did go, I wouldn’t be able…

Reporting the truth: Ethics and journalism

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I was reading a newspaper article last week and recognized that it appeared that the author was trying to persuade the reader in a certain way. I felt that both sides of the story…

What did you pay?

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I was recently looking into buying a new pair of running shoes and comparing prices online between different Web sites. When I told a friend the prices that I found, he went to the…

The right approach: Show me the money

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I recently attended the Spring Job Fair and have an interview for a job coming up next week. Being a Cal Poly grad, I feel like I have a lot to offer, but am…

Dealing with disabilities in the workplace

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I am a graduating senior looking for potential jobs and have currently started the interview process. I have a disability that can and might have an effect on my productivity at work and I…

The ethics of gift-giving: Not all bribes are bad

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: During my internship at a company I had an opportunity to go out on a client visit with one of the salespeople. When the salesperson met with the client, he handed an envelope to…

Office couples: Good or bad?

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: Over the past few months I have developed feelings for a girl that I work with. I want to ask her out, but I’m scared to pursue it because I am unsure of the…

Does classroom etiquette still exist?

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I was in class the other day and saw students text messaging, reading the paper and clearly not paying attention to the professor’s lecture and wanted to know what proper classroom etiquette is and…

You Can Click, But You Can't Hide

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: For my BUS 401 class, our teacher asked us to download software for a project. After class ended, my roommate and I approached the professor and asked if just one of us could download…

The Long-Nosed Resume

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I used to be the utilities manager for a local business and when applying for a summer internship I slightly stretched the truth of my responsibilities on my resume, making them seem more related…

If the shoe, shirt, car or soda fits …

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I was watching the O.C. the other day and realized that all the characters were using Blackberry phones to communicate with one another. I have started to realize this is a prominent trend in…