Janice Edman
19 Articles0 Comments

Road trips, sex and dirty Taboo

Janice Edman Two weeks and one day. In that amount of time I will be rid of this desolate, cold quarter and off to sunnier pastures for a week of blissful, completely non-educational enjoyment. While I never plan far enough…

The Cost of Loving

Janice Edman             I have a group of guy friends who went to Prague, Czech. a while ago, and, as any group of American guys in Prague would do, they hopped off the train and immediately found the sleaziest strip…

The party in your pants is still on

Janice Edman So we’ve seen the articles. We’ve heard the news. We’ve opened the door to cops bearing pamphlets and hopeful smiles. We get it: The party is still over. But that doesn’t mean you have to spend this Feb.…

Valentine's Day, SLO Style

Janice Edman             As that oh-so-romantic time of year fast approaches, guys and girls alike rack their brains to find the most amorous way to spend Valentine’s.  But whereas SLO is popular with the older crowd thanks to its quaint…

Scorched by Cupid's flame

Janice Edman In his monumental work “Amores,” the prolific Ovid wrote poem after poem dedicated to finding love, keeping love and getting rid of love when it became tiresome. The whole process began with the sharp prick of an arrow…

Don't go there – No really, don't

Janice Edman             Relationship experts argue that the backbone of every relationship is a healthy compromise between the two partners. In fact, compromise is necessary in nearly every situation a couple will face, from the little things like what movie…

The dance and the sex

Janice Edman There’s dancing, and then there’s . . . dancing. There’s “gliding, stepping or moving through a set series of movements, usually to music,” according to the Merriam- Webster’s Desk Dictionary, and then there’s “an overtly sexual form of…

No, you da ho

Janice Edman I shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat, and then toyed with the heat controls for a minute, hoping one of those buttons would cause my mother’s question to vanish instantly from my mind, instead of hanging over our…