Janice Edman
19 Articles0 Comments

Lessons in Love from a Good Student

Janice Edman             If there was a class offered here at Poly on love, I’m sure the “learn by doing” motto would be given a run for its money.  Because that’s exactly how one learns about love ” not from…

Summer lovin' happens so SLO

Janice Edman When I was 15, I bought the single for “Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears – and it’s taken me seven years to admit it. Her B-side song was entitled “Autumn Goodbye,” a deeply profound ballad about…

Have A Little Pride

Janice Edman             I remember a friend telling me a story a few months back about how her visiting grandparents were watching a popular TV drama at the time.  She asked them how they liked it, and they responded that…

A woman's right to the 'big O'

Janice Edman In the Medieval period, scholars say that the common belief regarding baby-making was that both men and woen had to orgasm in intercourse in order to release the egg and sperm for formation. Though the times weren’t exactly…

Sex Dogging Style

Janice Edman Those Brits. You have to love them for their dry wit, wet weather and issues with dentistry. But lately, a new reason has emerged to love the Brits, certainly at least for their inventiveness. Dogging, a sexual trend…

Relationships: Long and hard

Janice Edman With the end of the term upon us (Yes, it is week five), I’ve been reflecting a lot on all of the changes that are about to take place. For those of us graduating, gone will be the…

Love, Hollywood Style

Janice Edman             Anyone who has ever watched five minutes of “E!” or read a copy of Us Weekly (as my friends and I do on these dreary, rainy days) knows that the Hollywood dating scene is about as similar…

The new Blockbuster night

Janice Edman When my roommate and I moved into our abode over the summer, we were faced with the annoying tasks of setting up electricity, gas and cable. Matters of entertainment were left in my hands, and in my “It’s…

A Casual Encounter of the Sexual Kind

Janice Edman             During a recent trip to the salon, I had ample time (four-and-a-half hours to be exact ” it’s a tough life) to read up on the magazines you find in vast, thumbed-through abundance at salons and the…

No love in downtown SLO

Janice Edman In a recent article entitled “Urban Unrest,” the New Times reported on a group of wily and hyper-offended SLO residents (my description) who want Urban Outfitters – our first cool store in, I’ll venture, a decade – to…

Spring Breeaaaaaakkk!!!

Janice Edman             I have never gone on spring break.  I have gone away for spring break ” a chilly trip to New York where I had strep throat and enjoyed what I could of the city from the hotel…