Jack Ingram
15 Articles0 Comments

The status quo has got to go

Jack Ingram What is the status quo? The dictionary defines it as “the existing state of affairs.” But this definition is too benign, too vague and lacks the connotation necessary to give real-word meaning to such an abstract idea. History…

Political convictions without political labels

Jack Ingram Last week, one of the letters to the editor claimed that I made a “classic liberal mistake.” Although a seemingly innocuous phrase, I thought, “what exactly did the author mean by ‘classic?’” Was there a flaw in my…

Bush: tyrant, president or fool

Jack Ingram Call me crazy, but I have never been trusting of politicians. Like many, I find that politicians – Democrats and Republicans alike – often say one thing and, yet, more often do quite another. I suppose the old…

Bush: Committing the oldest sins in the newest kind of ways

Jack Ingram Sadly, I must admit that when the New York Times announced last month that President Bush ordered the National Security Agency (NSA), which focuses on international and foreign surveillance, to spy instead on American citizens, I hardly flinched.…