Jack Ingram Or so the Bible says … at least, according to the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kan. During a long drive to L.A. this weekend, I thought of something that Louis Brandeis once said: “Sunlight is the…
Politics have no relation to morals?
To all the readers of this column: Over the past couple of months, I have been affected by a condition that has threatened my health and has influenced all of my previous columns. Some so-called “medical doctor” who was allegedly…
When the "Right Way" is wrong
Jack Ingram Last week, while on my way back from my bi-weekly Bible burning with my fellow pagan-communist-sodomite brethren, I happened to stumble upon my counterpart’s column, titled “Good vs. Evil, Republicans vs. Democrats, religion vs. secularism.” And I, perhaps…
No martyrdom for Moussaoui
Jack Ingram With the sentencing phase of Zarcarias Moussaoui underway in Arlington Virginia, the jury will determine what punishment befits him – the terrorist allegedly involved in the Sept. 11 attacks. In doing so, the jury will send a message…
Immigrants might be "illegal," shouldn't be scapegoats
Jack Ingram I read an interesting article in the Mustang Daily last Wednesday about the Cal Poly “Factbook.” According to the article, ethnic and racial diversity is being augmented at Cal Poly. Unfortunately, as was illustrated in Thursday’s letters-to-the-editor section,…
We live in an immigration nation
Jack Ingram Monday, April 3, 2006 – The topic of illegal immigration is unequivocally the most difficult issue that I have ever tried to tackle in this column. Frankly, I’m just not sure. Like most Americans, I value our system…
Try reading between the lines for a change
Jack Ingram In December, I read a Washington Post article, the content of which has been fresh on my mind since. The article highlighted a recent study which claimed that “only 41 percent of college students could be classified as…
Abortion will not pull a disappearing act
Jack Ingram It’s time for the tree-hugging, commie liberals to quit whining about conservatives. Conservatives aren’t that bad – comparatively. Be thankful conservatives aren’t like fascists. Can you imagine an ideology opposed to liberal democracy, comprised predominantly of big business,…
Media, mudslinging and the government
Jack Ingram Lately in the mainstream media (MSM), there has been talk about the vice president and some guy he shot in the face. But honestly, I have to ask: Was anyone really that surprised that our beloved vice president…
Dread and disappointment on V-Day
February 14, 2006 – Ah Valentine's Day. A day of carefree romance. A day when couples and lovers everywhere can hold hands with their partner and exchange gifts of flowers, candy or a simple card in honor of their love…
Purely political tax cuts
Jack Ingram After a discussion with a (Republican) friend of mine, about “whether Republicans care about the American economy more so than Democrats” (although I should remind you, I’m not a Dem, just a devil’s advocate), I received an e-mail,…