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Ahead of nationals, top cross-country runners share mental secrets to success

“Racing is the time to make all of our hard work pay off, and the reason why we push ourselves every day, so it’s important to just enjoy every experience and to have fun”

Cross-country newcomers balance competition with passion

“We put all that effort into workouts, which is fun. But ultimately we train to race, and the feeling of accomplishment afterwards is pretty addicting.”

KKG continues to grow philanthropy

In just its second year on the Cal Poly campus, Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG) has already begun to make a philanthropic name for itself throughout San Luis Obispo.

Questions surround possible on-campus pub

“If the decision is made to have a pub on campus, it’s up to Cal Poly to make sure they know the responsibilities that come with the choice,” Jenn Rhoads, the San Luis Obispo County coordinator for Friday Night Live said.

Behind the numbers: Women in the workforce

Women make up just 14 percent of architects and engineers, which is also reflected at Cal Poly, with a noticeably smaller population of female students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).