Elyse Lopez
7 Articles0 Comments

'Strive and Struggle' uses newspapers to tell Civil Rights story

Strive and Struggle is a traveling exhibit that documents the history of the Civil Rights Movement on campus through old Mustang Daily articles.

Drought forces Wildflower Triathlon to consider new locations

Tri-California is not releasing much information until their team of experts who have been coordinating the race for ten years have explored all their options.

Quick Talk with Award-Winning Graduates

Cal Poly has a reputation for producing some of the top graduates in the state, but who are the top of the top?

Meet the published professors

Listening to a favorite professor talk with a colleague about a book they’ve written in the Conversations with Cal Poly Authors event is fun, Communications and Public Programs Coordinator Karen Lauritsen said.

Got the whiskey blues? Try something new

For Cal Poly students, the signs of problematic drinking don’t have to do with drinking every day or drinking in the morning, Mary Peracca, a Cal Poly drug and alcohol counselor of 12 years, said.

‘Rag-tag’ committee made first Open House

Elyse Lopez elyselopez.md@gmail.com After the riots in 1990 that caused the cancellation of Poly Royal, students had to think of a new way to open up the campus for the weekend and showcase their work. Poly Royal was a wonderful…

Grad school could be for you

Elyse Lopez elyselopez.md@gmail.com Every student will face a time in their college career when they must decide if a bachelor’s degree is enough to propel them to where they want to be in life. Taking advantage of Career Fairs and…