Everyone has a best, that one sexual experience that, for some reason, you can’t shake the memory of. Maybe it was a spontaneous time on Dexter Lawn, or the night you were with your ex for one last tryst. But what makes one sexual rendezvous better?
Religion and sex don’t have to be mutually exclusive
I have to admit, I am a bit of a sinner when it comes to the cardinal rule of no sex before marriage. Now, not all churches view sex before marriage, or sex not for reproductive purposes, as a one-way ticket to hell, but like many others, mine does.
Simple steps to tell if you’re dating a loser
Sometimes you date someone who you think is totally awesome, but you could be wrong. As someone who has dated a loser, I admit, in the excitement of texting, hooking-up and the general confusion of it all, it is easy…
Don’t let Facebook do the dirty work
When I was a naive freshman I started dating an older man, a wise and mature sophomore. There was something about his Quicksilver attire and hiked up socks that made him relatable to my post high school years. A month…
Sex column: Breaking the dry spell
It may be the middle of winter, but some Cal Poly students are suffering from dehydration. Not due to a lack of water, but because of a personal love drought. It is true that everyone has their down times.
Sex column: Where is the line?
I was with a group of guy friends the other night and, while they were enjoying cigars and whiskey, I felt the need to contribute some sort of masculine sentiment. So I began to tell a story a friend of mine had told me at the gym earlier that day.
I’ll call my friend Tom for the sake of his privacy and future love life.
Valentine’s Day: A love-hate relationship
I have a love-hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. I love the overpriced flowers that everyone complains about. I love the chocolates because it’s a sign that all of those New Year’s resolutions have been forgotten, and the excuse to wear pastels in the winter, but mostly, I love to love.
The hand job: is it going extinct?
Something happened in college. All of a sudden the classic baseball-sex analogy of rounding the bases no longer applied. What ever happened to the standard kissing, hand stimulation, oral and sex pattern we all were familiar with?
Well, in college, the game changed.
What the hell does hooking-up mean?
‘”Hooking-up” is the most confusing word to ever grace Cal Poly’s campus. To most people it means kissing, to others it means a little more than that and to some it means sex. To confuse matters more, hooking-up can also be some sort of dating term, like a precursor to an official boyfriend-girlfriend title.