Chris Gunn
8 Articles0 Comments

The Outdoor Gunn 5-8-06

Chris Gunn Back when I started writing “The Outdoor Gunn,” I wrote one of my first columns on being courteous when surfing or engaging in water-sport activities. I wrote it because I had been forced into a near confrontation after…

The three gems of the Central Coast

Chris Gunn A gust of wind ruffles your hair. To your left, downtown San Luis Obispo sits active and bustling with afternoon traffic. To your right, the calm of the end of Broad Street with open expanses of grassy fields,…

Internet hunting and hypocrisy

Chris Gunn Have you ever been hunting in Texas from the privacy of your own home in California? I know that I haven’t, but some people have. Don’t know what I am talking about? A year ago a company based…

In the wake of the Tour of California

Chris Gunn When the Amgen Tour of California ended in mid-February on the streets of Redondo Beach, cycling appeared to be gathering a following in the Golden State. The event, which expected nearly 1 million spectators, was widely followed in…

Rain, runoff and hepatitis

Chris Gunn When I think of human impact, I think of places like Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. Big cities with big populations, huge landfills and air that some day might cast their populations into hospitals with lung…

Bikes, Mardi Gras and police tape

Chris Gunn What? A huge, world-class bike race is coming to San Luis Obispo? I know it’s shocking but it is also true. The Tour De California, arguably the largest bike race on the West Coast, will finish its fourth…

The Outdoor Gunn 2-2-06

Chris Gunn Alright, here is the situation: You sit quietly, fingers clasped in your lap, thinking about the sequence: Pick up some speed, drop in and go huge on the first wall, grabbing mute and seting up for the next…

The Outdoor Gunn 1-18-06

Chris Gunn This week I think I need to take a break from the outdoors and head inside to discuss what I consider to be one of the most disappointing things I have ever seen in the world of sports.…