Cassandra J. Carlson
9 Articles1 Comments

Word on the Street: Will you be going in the ocean?

See what Cal Poly students and faculty members are thinking about the recent shark attack in Avila.

Word on the Street: What minor would you create?

See what Cal Poly students are thinking in this week’s Word on the Street.

Two rodents found in campus water, officials say no health concerns

A 30,000 gallon water reservoir that sits near the “P” hill overlooking Cal Poly was shutdown Thursday after Cal Poly maintenance workers discovered a dead rat and mouse in the tank that supplies water to the Cal Poly campus.

Afghan students optimistic for country’s future

Over the past 30 years, Afghanistan has gone through drastic political change, with decades of government instability as it moved through Soviet occupation and then withdrawal, followed by the Taliban’s reign.

Afghan students rebuild their country through education

The morning phone call from Cal Poly social science professor Maliha Zulfacar told Afghan student Ulker that she was coming to the United States as part of a pilot Afghan Educational Outreach Project.

One student’s trash is another student’s dinner

A turkey and cheddar sandwich sits on an outer layer of trash in the dumpster, its cheese making the bread increasingly soggy in the hot sun. Isaac Safdie Miller, a computer engineering sophomore, eats the sandwich to prove a point.

Obama’s removal CEO was the right one – this time

I’m not interested in politics, polls or any politician. I’m not interested in ideology or even government as an institution. I am interested in forward-thinking ideas and in how policies affect individuals.

New quarter brings upgrades to Blackboard

Students and faculty checking out their new classes on Blackboard this quarter may notice some new applications and features on Cal Poly’s learning management system. One of the biggest upgrades will be the ability to receive information posted on Blackboard…

Be wary of what you read: History is written by those who win

Ideally, history is synonymous with fact. But reality often thwarts such a vision. History is frequently misinterpreted, and facts themselves are twisted and confused. Successful political leaders throughout the ages have understood, history is a very powerful tool for molding…