Bradford Applin
17 Articles0 Comments

A Hole in the Olympics

Bradford Applin Did you know that Shaun White prefers to not waste his endorsement money on “elephants that can speak sign language?” Were you aware that American speed skater Chad Hendrick has been called the “Paris Hilton of speed skating”…

Sports Balk 2-9-06

Bradford Applin Flashback! (Cue cheesy harp music and distorted cloudy video) It’s Jan. 28, 1996, and I’m at the tender age of 9-years-old. My chest proudly proclaims my allegiance with my children’s size Greg Lloyd jersey. A Steelers cap is…

Super headache

Bradford Applin You’ll have to excuse my writing this week – if I happen to ramble (more than usual that is) please give me the benefit of the doubt.  If by chance I have random, unrelated topics running together, I’m…

The Others

Bradford Applin Sunday night I was still trying to comprehend the significance of the NFL conference championship games. Was the fact that the Seahawks were going to the Super Bowl a sign that fire and brimstone would soon rain from…

Referee Reform

Bradford Applin   Referee Reform By: Bradford Applin   When inquired as to my position on the mind-numbing weekend of football that was the NFL Divisional Playoffs, I thought it best to take a cue from everyone’s favorite MasterCard spokesman,…

Sports Balk 1-12-06

Bradford Applin As I sit here tanning in the faint glow radiating from my computer monitor, eating stale Oreos and contemplating cracking open my textbook for the first time this quarter, several possible New Year’s resolutions come to mind. What…