Bradford Applin
17 Articles0 Comments

The Last One

Bradford Applin Well, I guess this is it – the last thousand words you’ll hear from this columnist (for at least two years that is). Why you may ask? Allow me to elaborate- This summer I will be embarking to…

Interactive "Lost"

Bradford Applin I wish it were Wednesday. If it were in fact next Wednesday, you, my faithful reader, would have so much more to look forward to than just my musings on the week in sports. Not only would you…


Bradford Applin Ah yes, the sounds of spring. The sound of playoff dunks rattling the rim and buzzer-beaters igniting the hometown crowd. The crack of pine meeting rawhide as the summer’s giants awake from their winter slumber to swing some…

Draft Debacle

Bradford Applin Decisions, decisions. Here at Cal Poly, we’ve been making quite a few of them this week. No, I’m not talking about whether or not to randomly bubble in “B” or “C” on your midterm, I’m talking about the…

Reality writing: LeBron's Encore

Bradford Applin Introductions? Pssh, introductions are for columnists without word limits, so I’ll preface my column with this: Reality writing is where you get to experience a sporting event, through my “unconventional” perspective. On Saturday, LeBron “King” James became only…

Clipping Wins

Bradford Applin Disclaimer: please do not confuse the following metaphor (created by a confused writer while mulling over a batch of banana pancakes) with real life, as it may be detrimental to your grades and therefore your graduation from Cal…

Baseball without Barry

Bradford Applin Lemonade, check. Hotdog, check. Cheetos, check. Remote, check. TiVo recording in order to ensure replay of all unintentionally comedic moments, check. Pen and paper to record random ramblings of consciousness, check. Few times have I been as prepared…

Sports Balk 4-5-06

Bradford Applin I’m standing up as I write this. You may think it’s because I am so excited about the topic of today’s column that I can’t sit still. Perhaps I am anxiously typing away as the NCAA Tournament Championship…

Sports Balk 3-10-06

Bradford Applin I’ve decided to extend my deadline for this column to 12:01 a.m. EST on Thursday. You see, I’m having a tremendously difficult time deciding on a topic for this column. Wait, no, I’ll have it done by midnight…

Sports Balk 3-3-06

Bradford Applin Sometimes my job is just too easy. Thank you Barry Bonds. Thank you for putting on a dress, wig, vogue sunglasses and all other necessary “equipment” to impersonate Paula Abdul. Thank you Mark Sweeney for convincing Bonds along…

The Trade Machine

Bradford Applin Who knew that Presidents' Day weekend was such a mecca of sporting events? All weekend I was treated to the Winter Olympics, where I got to see speedskaters Chad Hedrick and Shani Davis bicker like school boys over…