Ashley Pierce
17 Articles0 Comments

Political correctness creates wounded society

All hell broke loose last Tuesday. Adam Levine, a.k.a. the only famous member of Maroon 5, was caught muttering the words “I hate this country” on television’s “The Voice.”

Captain America, Iron Man were first popular conservatives

“There’s only one God ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that” a popular Hollywood character actually said.

Recent scandals show dangers of big government

My article this week was supposed to be about Captain America, Iron Man, capitalism and conservative values. Unfortunately, the Obama administration decided to become extremely unconstitutional this week and I’ve had to change my plans.

Crowder: Don’t go into politics

Steven Crowder’s visit to Cal Poly this past week was supposed to be centered around his political comedy act — but the audience got something even better.

Gosnell case raises abortion questions

Fox News correspondent and political comedian Steven Crowder (who will be speaking on Cal Poly’s campus Tuesday at 6 p.m.) recently released a video in which he revealed a large proportion of Americans have heard nothing about the Gosnell abortion trial happening in Pennsylvania.

Sea otters, rape and a broken justice system

My favorite animal of all time is sea otters.

Get the facts, choose news wisely

After a long day of classes I always try to make it to the gym — that, or I eat my feelings. On the days I do make it to the gym, I spend my time flipping through the three major news outlets: CNN, MSNBC and Fox News.

One nation, no longer under God

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. A few Christmases ago in Santa Monica, Calif., a group of atheists became offended (how they love that word) by Christmas decorations at a local park. Then they challenged…

In defense of Christie

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey was Republicans’ Christ-like figure just last year. He was set to single-handedly save the party and bring it back to popular standing…

Drones don’t kill people, people do

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. The drone war: it’s all the news outlets seem to be focused on a lot of the time, and with good reason. In theory, drones are absolutely fantastic.…

Abortions come down to selfishness

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. The other day my liberal friend posted another liberal Facebook post. He wrote: “What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who can’t…