Weed is now in San Luis Obispo — for official business.
Fewer rapes, burglaries reported in Cal Poly 2019 Crime Report
Students reported fewer rapes, fondles and burglaries in 2018 than in 2017 according to the 2019 Annual Security Crime Report released Sept. 19. The Annual Security Report includes statistics on crime compiled by Strategic Business Services between 2014 and 2016.…
New Vista Grande dining complex opening pushed back a third time
Cal Poly’s Vista Grande Dining Complex is set to open at the start of Spring 2020.
Revamped SLO Brew to open Sept. 10 after their liquor license was temporarily suspended
SLO Brew plans to reopen Sept. 10 with a new name and revamped building after a liquor license suspension forced the bar to temporarily close in July.
Cal Poly startup app Ulzi wanted to help prevent sexual assault. It was just discontinued
A crowdsourcing safety app focusing on sexual assault prevention has discontinued services. It was started by two Cal Poly graduates. Ulzi (OOL’-zee) was a free app that allowed users to track and be tracked by loved ones, share their location…
Cal Poly graduates can recycle their gowns after the Spring 2019 Commencement Ceremony, but will they?
Last year, the Commencement Office partnered with Zero Waste and the University Bookstore to pilot a gown recycling program. Gown collection boxes were present at both the Spring 2018 and Fall 2018 commencement ceremonies. More than 5,000 graduates participated in…
In two years, Cal Poly will be required to compost. A new program is attempting to help
Approximately 20 percent of the trash Cal Poly sends to landfill is food waste. In an audit of trash from Poly Canyon Village, the heaviest weight came from half-eaten burritos and pasta jars half full of sauce. A new composting…
SLO Transit to start service to airport, refines schedule timing
Catch yourself wondering why San Luis Obispo busses never seem to arrive at consistent intervals? For frequent riders, SLO Transit will be extending some of its routes and refining schedules. “Operationally the way that we are serving our routes is…
SLO saw “unprecedented” increase in rape, violent crimes in 2018, according to police
Salat at Cal Poly: Finding space for prayer with only one prayer room
Abdullah Sulaiman prays five times most days. Usually, three to four of those prayers happen on Cal Poly’s campus. There is only one designated area for prayer on campus. The Inclusive Prayer/Meditation/Sensory Room: a small, approximately 8’x11’ room on the…
The last campus climate survey cost $55,000. Here’s why CPX is costing $243,000
This is the last week students, faculty and staff can participate in the Cal Poly Experience (CPX) survey. The survey is a part of the university’s $234,000 partnership with diversity specialist Damon Williams and his Center for Strategic Diversity Leadership…