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Let’s talk about sex, Mustangs

Two alleged rapes, one of which was on campus, and an issue surrounding Cal Poly administration’s acceptance of the SAFER “I (heart) consensual sex” T-shirts are raising concerns about the lack of sexual topics discussed on campus.

World peace, one beer bong at a time

BeerBongs for World Peace is a nonprofit group created by Cal Poly alumni Quinn Lewis and Casey Curtis to raise money for hunger awareness.

SLO enacts Sunday parking fees

In an effort to boost revenue during the budget crisis and amid a struggling economy, San Luis Obispo City Council members voted to make changes to parking downtown, including charging for parking on Sundays, on April 9.

Mothers protest for nuclear peace

Protestors congregated in Avila beach April 16 to aim to inspire the shutting down of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Some protestors’ signs read, “Fukushima Dai-ich is Japanese for Diablo” and “Children Not Chernobyl.”

Cutting corners: students, faculty protest budget cuts

With whistles blasting, Cal Poly students, staff and faculty carried signs and shouted chants as they marched around the University Union (UU) April 13, joining in a statewide protest against education budget cuts.

Mudslides, roadwork and flooding … oh my!

After lengthy rain and snow storms rocked California through the end of March, Highway 1 has been hit with a number of mudslides causing closures and extensive damage. With heavy rainstorms starting around March 18, mudslides occurred near Alder Creek,…

Japan earthquake raises questions of emergency preparedness

After the large earthquake off the shores of Japan caused a tsunami warning off the coast of California on March 10, many students and San Luis Obispo residents now must consider preparing themselves for the possibility of a natural disaster.

Tsunami warning in San Luis Obispo County

An 8.9 level earthquake in Japan resulted in the National Weather Service issuing a tsunami warning for San Luis Obispo County.

Please pay at the pump: SLO gas prices some of the highest in nation

San Luis Obispo County has the third-highest priced gas in the nation.

San Luis Obispo Bicycle Coalition goes to Washington

The San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition will bike in the nation’s capital this week. The group is attending the 11th annual National Bike Summit from March 7 to 14.

Local firefighters fired up about city council decision

The San Luis Obispo City Firefighters Association, IAFF Local 3523, challenged a city council decision to remove the right of unions to have a third party arbiter make the final decision on labor disputes — called binding arbitration — Feb.…