Alexander Thornton
3 Articles0 Comments

Election 2006: business as usual

With less than two weeks left until the 2006 midterm elections, the Democratic Party appears poised to seize control of the House and Senate due to the gross incompetence and rampant corruption within the Republican leadership. Unfortunately, Democrats will be hard-pressed to change the current direction of the country.

Are we melting or growing?

Tylor Middlestadt’s “Confronting the silent crisis” continues the trend of misinformation in otherwise credible newspapers and magazines. Middlestadt writes about how “the Greenland ice sheet is melting faster than ever before” just like other articles I have read in National…

Illegal immigrants keep the American Dream alive

Paul Bittick The primary reaction many Americans have to the topic of illegal immigration is one of xenophobia, the fear of the foreigners. Americans believe that immigrants steal wealth from honest citizens. However, immigrants are an integral part of our…