Aimee Vasquez
23 Articles0 Comments

Cal Poly professor writes book on Native American symbolism in Catholicism

Cal Poly Ethnic Studies Assistant Professor Kathleen Martin co-wrote and edited a book on the use of Native American symbolism and traditions within the Catholic Church.

Be a conscious coffee addict

We have a rich cultural heritage in coffee, and though many people still cling to the old health myths, recent studies are discovering that the regular use of coffee holds health benefits ranging from a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes to the possible prevention of Alzeimers.

SLO Mission plays host to various musical groups

Cal Poly’s Music Ensembles will give a benefit chamber concert at Old Mission church Feb. 6 at 8 p.m.

ASI to experience 10 percent budget cut

ASI’s business staff are working with a 10 percent budget reduction the coming year, due to the projected 10 percent reduction in Cal Poly enrollment.

New CSU initiative to raise graduation rates

The California State University Board of Trustees announced a new graduation initiative at its board meeting Jan. 27.

Women’s tennis players excel in the classroom

The four seniors on Cal Poly’s women’s tennis team achieved a 3.8 cumulative GPA last quarter and are ranking for NCAA nationals this season.

Greek life summit focuses on training leaders

Greek life presidents and executives worked on leadership and creating a stronger, more integrated Greek community at the Greek Life Summit in Cambria this last weekend.

Cal Poly professor reads poetry in Philips Hall

Cal Poly professor and award-winning poet Kevin Clark, author of “Self-Portrait with Expletives,” read selections of his poetry at Philips Hall Thursday night.

ASI president minimum GPA requirement turned into law

A university bylaw, concerning the minimum GPA requirement for ASI presidents, passed Wednesday, in preparation for the coming ASI presidential elections.

Local physician bolsters student awareness of health effects of alcohol

A local physician and former alcoholic strives to promote national student awareness of the little-publicized effects of alcohol, including various cancers and osteoporosis.