Ms. Campbell,
I wrote to you earlier this year about the lack of parking availability on campus, which had hit an all-time low in the six years I have been here.
You assured me that the department is doing everything it can to balance out the available parking spots on campus, sending me the results of your parking surveys (which, by the way, comfortably avoided documenting the real challenging hours, between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.), and asked me to park on the other side of campus, in the agriculture area.
These events repeated themselves. Some elementary school event took place in the PAC today with a few hundred kids, transported by their parents, which meant another 100 cars in the general parking lot.
There was nowhere to park at 10:20 or 11:20 a.m., cars where circling everywhere, which meant that parking density was at a ridiculous level. I thought I was the one going to school here.
No parking on the agriculture side of campus either, but over 50 staff spots were empty, and needless to say, closer to campus than any of our spots. It is time that the police department and school stand behind their word and ensure that students have somewhere to park, and prevent massive amounts of visitor parking in our spots. I am tired of wasting my time and money looking for a spot on this campus when there are plenty of empty ones. If only your staff showed the same zeal to solve this problem as they do at handing out tickets.
Eran Tal
Electrical engineering graduate