Editor’s note: ‘WIDE angle’ is a photo commentary by Michael Mullady.
Mother Nature has proven, once again, that her capabilities are endless. The strange warm weather that the Central Coast was blessed with in early February has all together vanished as Alaskan cold fronts have swept the coast. Rain, hail and even snow fell throughout the region and the artic chill has reminded us once again what the weather should be like around this time of year.
While the dreary grey skies and precipitation make most people run inside, I set out in the opposite direction. I take pleasure in photographing in all conditions and when rain falls it provides me with the rare opportunity to work with reflections. Basic pavement suddenly becomes a colorful display of taillight trails and street light gardens, while puddles provide interesting perspectives to otherwise overlooked subjects. The true photographer works in all conditions with an understanding that great images are everywhere. It’s only a matter of expanding your horizons to capture them.
Upon examining different locations to compose the moody reflective image I was seeking, I rolled upon the San Luis Obispo train station and found what I was looking for. What makes this image successful is a technique that artists have used since it originated, lines leading the viewer to a vanishing point. Complementary to the lined composition are a variety of interesting color lighting and the ultimate factor, the reflection provided by the rain water gathered in between the tracks.