“There is no better time to decide to live like a boss in 2014 and make it the best year of your life.”
Corrina Powell
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Corrina Powell is a graphic communication junior and Mustang News Do It Yourself (DIY) columnist.
… Five, four, three, two, one.
The New Year is here in the blink of an eye; new beginnings, new opportunities and new experiences await, so set a few goals and plan ahead. There is no better time to decide to live like a boss in 2014 and make it the best year of your life. Hopefully these suggestions will inspire a better, happier and more productive way of life for you in the New Year.
Plan ahead
Returning to the academic world after winter break can be a shock to the system. An unholy alliance of excitement and anxiety cause unnecessary stress. Feeling overwhelmed? Get organized. Buy a planner and record assignments as you collect your syllabi. Studies show writing by hand increases information retention. You are more likely to complete assignments and turn them in on time if you use a planner. Planning ahead in this way will help you to feel more prepared and less anxious about your workload.
Be a “resolutioner”
Put your New Year’s resolutions in action. Be specific and, you guessed it, plan ahead. For instance, if you resolved to get fit in the new year, build a workout regimen into your weekly routine – “If it’s Monday or Wednesday, then I go to the 7 a.m. Pilates Express.” This kind of scheduling is known as “if/then planning” and will increase the likelihood of reaching your goals by 300 percent!
Get involved
Break the ice and get involved. Introduce yourself to the stranger sitting next to you. Becoming acquainted with your classmates during the first week of school will make your quarter more enjoyable and successful. Putting yourself out there could lead to some awesome perks: coffee before class, a seat with your name on it, a study buddy, etc.
Express yourself
Take a Zumba class, write in a journal or join an improv group. It’s far too easy to get caught up in school and focus solely on academics. Despite the fact that we are all working hard to obtain college degrees, it is also vital to make time for extracurricular activities. Self-expression outside of the classroom is imperative to success, happiness and general well being.