Sean McMinn and Celina Oseguera
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Cal Poly might be getting a new dining complex on campus, but don’t rejoice yet — it is still in the planning stages.
Cal Poly Corporation spokesperson Yukie Murphy said Tuesday afternoon the university may be adding a new dining facility on campus. However, the planning is still in its “preliminary” stage, Murphy said.
The plan for the new facility is still being talked out within Cal Poly Corporation and among university administrators, Murphy said.
The corporation is still in the process of gathering information from students, staff and faculty to see what direction they should go with the dining facility plan.
Campus Dining is attempting to accumulate information through a survey that was sent out via email Tuesday evening about a possible new facility, Murphy said.
It includes questions that ask how often students eat on campus and where they eat during the day. The survey also has a portion where the student can comment on what restaurants they would like to have on campus.
The survey closes on Nov. 22, and those who complete it are entered into a contest to win a $100 gift card to Best Buy.