Editor’s note: ‘WIDE angle’ is a photo commentary by Michael Mullady that will run every Tuesday.
Through my evolving studies in art with the camera as my medium, I have found that visually documenting people of diverse cultures to be the most rewarding aspect.
With my vast interest in anthropology and my surfacing photography talent some years ago, it wasn’t long before I naturally began to evolve into a photojournalist. I started to realize that my camera could be used for something more than just capturing images; it could be used as an instrument to convey the untold stories of life outside our borders. I find it truly fascinating the access my camera gains me into the lives of people who I otherwise would have no connection with. I feel sincerely privileged to be accepted by my subjects fueling my passion.
It’s this artistic quest for capturing culture that has led me on my next “WIDE angle” assignment. With the beginning of the two-week celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year, I realized I had the opportunity to document the largest celebration of a very intriguing culture.
While avoiding cliches in my photographs, I am constantly in pursuit of visual innovation. For this project I knew right away a photo of a dragon or fireworks just wasn’t going to work for me. I was looking for something different, a unique perspective.
After a good deal of research and preparation, I journeyed to northern California, deep in the heart of San Francisco. For three days I ventured through the streets of Chinatown, documenting and learning about the Chinese culture. The eve of the celebration landed on a Saturday, which happened to be the day all the locals do their shopping. People filled the streets and lines formed outside several markets while workers raced to prepare seasoned chickens and other traditional meals in high demand. Red banners were draped from balconies and the sound of firecrackers and shouting matches over bok choy echoed in the dense avenues. The rain came down but their spirits never did. Positive vibes radiated through the neighborhood as time transitioned into the Year of The Dog.
For the entire photo-essay, visit www.mustangdaily.net.