Julianne Roth is a journalism senior and Mustang Daily sex columnist.
Magic is among us.
It’s in the bedroom, or on the fifth floor of the library — I heard some people like to have sex up there.
We are all capable wizards and witches, but if one chooses to be a muggle, she is never looked down upon.
When you have sex, it’s not just about genital to genital collision; it’s about exploring your body, psyche and your partner. Through this interconnected stimulation, a plethora of benefits ensues.
From a physical and mental standpoint, consensual and safe sex is loaded with advantages.
Let’s start outside and head in, shall we?
I know you all have wondered: What’s that MILF’s secret?
She has the youthful glow of a 25 year old. The twinkle in her eye seems to be the only physical indicator of her age, her experience.
I’d bet my labia it’s not creams, gels or plastic surgeons.
It’s sex.
Dr. Winnifred Cutler, founder of the Athena Institute, says sex increases the levels of estrogen hormones in women. Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone.
According to the article “Effect of estrogen on skin aging and the potential role of SERMs” on the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s (NCBI) website, estrogen has anti-aging effects.
Hair products can be expensive, but shiny, healthy hair on the outside begins on the inside — with estrogen.
Thankfully, sweaty hair pulling and moaning are free.
As women age, their natural estrogen production decreases. However, this can easily be combated with regular sexual activity.
The primary male sex hormone is necessary for proper female sexual function as well. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) concluded that increased testosterone (T) levels in postmenopausal women increased sex drive.
I took a couple of biology classes, so I know that as a woman ages, her natural testosterone production decreases. Testosterone dwindles especially steeply for postmenopausal women, since it is secreted by the ovaries.
Exercise is an organic way to increase testosterone levels. Life Extension Magazine cites three studies that show a monumental increase in T in women after exercise.
It’s easier than a Kamasutra sex position to get tangled in a discussion of sexual benefits and facts, so I’ll be speaking a lick more on exercise later.
Sex has also been believed to increase testosterone levels in men.
Like women, as a man leaves the Dirty Harry stage of his life and heads over to Heartbreak Ridge, the ease of the body’s natural production of the sex hormone decreases.
But don’t fret, Clint.
A healthy dose of sex should help thwart complacency and flaccidity. So keep pumping away, and so will your hormones.
Sex also decreases stress levels and blood pressure. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise that people who have more sex live longer.
This is particularly evident since WebMD’s website says stress could be linked to heart attack and other life-threatening physical ailments.
Stress is also linked to decreased T levels in both sexes.
If you’re having an internal debate about choosing between exercise and sex, choose both. Having 30 minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more, according to WebMD.
Rigorous sex is equivalent to approximately 30 minutes of yoga, walking and dancing. Sex sounds way more appealing to me, especially if we incorporate some of those varsity yoga moves.
Mindful sex
Travel upstairs, and your brain is also thriving from the benefits of down south. The act — or as I like to say, “the art” — of having sex not only bangs out tension, but it also releases some of the most fun chemicals in the body.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the human body as well as a precursor for other compounds such as epinephrine. Dopamine is the backbone of the limbic system, which controls emotions and learning, and activates our body’s reward circuitry.
If you aren’t fluent in biochemistry, the previous sentence may have meant as much to you as my muggle reference did to those not versed in “Harry Potter” lingo.
To put it simply, orgasm (oh, it makes me tingle just typing those six deliciously organized letters) releases dopamine. This neurochemical fuels our wants and desires, and basically rewards us with good — scratch that — magical feelings once they’re achieved.
Furthermore, during the resolution stage of sexual arousal, while most of us are cuddling, stroking or waiting for another go, dopamine is busy bonding us with our partners.
According to WebMD’s website, the bonding hormone oxytocin also makes people feel more generous.
Helping head
Now, all you people who blame a lousy headache for not wanting sex are about to change your mind — or you need to have a candid conversation with your partner.
Regardless, a headache is not an acceptable excuse to deny sex.
Endorphins — another spectacular hormone released in the brain and nervous system during sex — relieve pain and enhance mood. I like to harness this when my boyfriend is grouchy.
Butt really, it helps you
College dudes, I’m talking to you and your prostates. Studies show men in their ’20s may be able to decrease their likelihood of getting prostate cancer later in life.
All you gentlemen need to do is come about 21 or more times per month.
Sex also improves your immune system, focus and quality of sleep.
Now, please, go improve your health.