Three days ago this died tragically
Now it's time I put you away
Force some logic and closure
Inside the box where you'll stay
The black flowers line your casket
Where I lay you to rest
Though I love to burn you down to ash
I find this preservation best
My poems act as eulogies
Of the good times we had spent
I pray silently over the wilted
Remains of the bouquet that you sent
A receipt, a card, a mix cd
Throw in that stuffed bear I carried
Inside the shoe box and away from me
Into my closet where you'll be buried
Fear not, I will visit your grave
In times of morose desperation
But for now I let you die
With a final incantation
Even though you still live and breathe
A thousand miles away
Somehow I must confine you
Inside the box where you'll stay
– Robyn Kontra
Journalism sophomore