Cal Poly architecture student Luis Javier Martin was arrested yesterday on accounts of possession of stolen property and resisting arrest, according to a San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD) report.
SLOPD dispatched two officers at 3 a.m. on Sunday to the neighborhood between Kentucky and Fredericks streets after a phone call from a citizen reporting two men were looking into parked cars, according to the report. Upon locating them, officers approached the suspects. Both dropped the items they were holding and fled from the officers.
The possessions the two dropped were identified as stolen property from parked cars in the area, according to the report.
SLOPD Lieutenant Keith Storton said they managed to take about five items before they were apprehended, but none of these items have been named because of their close nature to the investigation.
“Part of the investigation is trying to link not only to the victims but to the property,” Storton said.
Officers caught Martin after a short chase, but the other male was not apprehended. Investigations as to his identity are underway. Martin was taken to San Luis Obispo County Jail and booked there.
Storton said the investigations into the identity of the other suspect will include reviewing Martin’s connections.
“We’ll be looking into it as far as people he might be associating with,” Storton said.
Storton said the two were probably checking parked cars in the area to see if any were unlocked, rather than actually breaking into them.
Journalism senior Bryce Jacobsen’s car is parked in the lot where the alleged theft took place, but he said he is still “not too worried” about safety.
“It’s definitely a little sketchy, but all things considered (San Luis Obispo) is a safe town,” Jacobsen said. “If someone rummaging through my beat up ’99 Explorer is my biggest safety concern, I think I’m doing alright.”
Laura Pezzini and Carly Rickards contributed to this article.