The Church has specific moral guidelines (such as celibacy) in place for priests to follow in order to benefit the parish community they are serving. On the other hand, homosexuality is wrong whether or not one is a priest as the Old Testament states in Leviticus 18:22 and in 20:13. On the same note there is a three-year latten period set into place to allow God’s forgiving grace to change people’s sinful habits so that it is possible to receive the sacrament of priesthood. The key to the whole Bible is Jesus, and Jesus is love, but he cannot tolerate the existence of sin. So when the quote “blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven,” was used Jesus is in fact referring to the people that endure affliction because they do God’s will. Homosexuality is not God’s will.
Through ordination a priest gives himself completely to the Church, symbolically, he marries it. Unfortunately, some priests commit horrible acts of sexual abuse and dishonored this vow. Nevertheless, that is no reason to bash the Catholic Church; the Church is infallible. However, its priests and laity are still human and still chained by sin. Jesus taught his disciples that false believers would be an integral part in the church yet, in the parable of the weeds among the wheat he tells them to let him (God) separate them in the end (Matthew 13:24-30). It is not our job as Christians to judge one’s soul. So, do not claim that Pope Benedict, a holy man and the leader of God’s Church, is going to hell.
A point of advice: Next time you write a column to express your hate towards something as great as the Catholic Church, please do some research to understand what is truly going on.
Peace be with you.
Grant Desme
Business sophomore