I just want to say whoever made Cal Poly Memes is my new internet hero. Then everyone who jumped on the bandwagon are my other heroes. (Read As: Reddit had the memes first but I didn’t notice until it was on Facebook and I’m sorry, don’t hurt me!)
I was on Tumblr around 1 a.m. and found a Cal Poly student posted a link to them. There’s a Reddit page and a Facebook page. I’m sure you lovely readers can post other sources in the comments.
I just needed to spread the word immediately.
Because I just can’t contain myself, here are some memes. I’m not posting credit, because these are MEMES. If you want to claim credit in the comments, go ahead. Better yet, LINK TO MORE!
NOTE: Before you go making memes, kindly educate yourself on the proper construction of memes.You will be ridiculed for improper form. I linked to the specific meme’s page in each image, so just click on it to further your knowledge on all things internet. Also, there are a few jokes that cross the line. I know this is the internet and many people have a “who cares?” attitude, but c’mon. You know them when you spot them on the pages.
All right, that’s it, no more. Link them in the comments or visit the pages linked above. Any wise cracks about quality journalism will be met with a snort of amusement. That said, love you guys.