Bartenders know all your secrets. Though you might not remember them, they saw everything, from how many shots of Jameson you threw back to that embarrassing dance in The Library window at the end of the night. Now bartenders from four downtown bars share their favorite stories from behind the scenes.
Bull’s Tavern
Bull’s Tavern is a downtown staple, having been open since the 1930s. Come in for a mix of country and classic rock, and be prepared to meet lots of longtime local customers.
Bartender: Rich Reynolds
How long have you been bartending here?
“Almost four years.”
How would you describe the vibe of your bar?
“Bull’s is the oldest bar in town, it opened in 1935. This new location is cleaner and the vibe’s changed a little bit. There used to be more cowboys. It’s all ages now. We get everyone from students to a guy who is almost 80 and still comes in. The music we play is country or classic rock. We’re either the first stop or the last stop of the night.”
Describe your 21st birthday drink.
“It’s called a ‘Bull Sweat’ and it’s not supposed to taste good. It was designed to keep the 21st birthdays out. It’s worcestershire (sauce), Tabasco, (Bacardi) 151 and Wild Turkey, with a Budweiser back.” (A “back” is given to be drunk after the initial beverage. Also known as a “chaser.”)
What is one of your favorite stories from your time here?
“Chuck Liddell used to work for the company. He comes in sometimes with friends, and they all want to bartend. So he’ll order drinks behind the bar for 45 minutes and drop $400 on the bar as he’s leaving. People get a little awestruck.”
Creekside Brewery
Creekside is known for its selection of handcrafted beers, brewed on site.
Bartender: Sam Redmond
How long have you been bartending here?
“I’ve been here only four months, but I’ve been bartending for 10 years.”
How would you describe the vibe of your bar?
“I love this bar because of the vibe. It’s more mellow, and you don’t run into a lot of frat boys or sorority girls. It’s a crowd that enjoys really good handcrafted beers. It’s sort of a like an old-time speakeasy since it’s in a basement.”
Describe your 21st birthday drink.
“We have two. The first one is called the ‘Dirty Creekwater,’ and it’s a little bit of everything. Vodka, gin, rum, triple sec, tequila razzmatazz, blue curacao … it’s kind of like a(n) f’ed-up Long Island. The second is called a ‘Muddy Water,’ and it’s the ‘Dirty Creekwater’ mixed with whipped cream.”
What is one of your favorite stories from your time here?
“I had a guy once ask me if he could do something that would shock me, could he get a free shot. So he asks for a shot of our cheapest tequila, salt and a lime. He puts the salt on his hand, then snorts it. He squeezes the lime into his eye and takes the shot. I bought him another shot, and he did it again.”
The Library
The Library is always a good spot for dancing. If you’re feeling risqué, dance in the window. If you’re not, walk by and gawk.
Bartender: Karen Smith
How long have you been bartending?
“I’ve been a bartender for 10 years.”
How would you describe the vibe here?
“We have a lot of dance party, late night (people). The days aren’t horrible, but we’d like them to be better. A big Farmers’ Market crowd, and a lot of military from Camp (San Luis Obispo). We love ’em, and thank ’em. We get a lot of college kids, too.”
Describe your 21st birthday drink.
“It’s called a ‘Statue of Liberty’: three shots, stacked on top of each other, red, white and blue. Irish apple — or anything red — with a kamikaze and an otter pop.”
What is one of your favorite stories from your time here?
“One guy, every so often, buys a shot for everyone in the bar. When the bars packed, that’s about 120 shots, and we’re not gonna tell him ‘No.’ It turns into this huge thing. It happened once, and his bill was around $780. It’s a big round.”
Frog and Peach Pub
Frog and Peach Pub is an English-style bar known for its nightly live music. It also has a Tuesday Pint Night and a Friday Reggae Night.
Bartender: DJ Bennett
How long have you been working at the bar?
“It’ll be a year on St. Patrick’s Day.”
How would you describe the vibe here?
“We have a good mix of locals and students. We have all the ‘meat and potatoes’ liquors, but we’re getting some new liquors and a dartboard.”
Describe your 21st birthday drink.
“Guinness races. (The employees) used to be able to race, but we can’t anymore. Only the manager can race.”
What is one of your favorite stories from your time here?
“I had to tackle a dude one time. He was way too drunk and I wouldn’t let him in. He walks away, yells ‘Fuck you,’ and then comes back. He says, ‘Oh, I’m just waiting for my friend,’ and then tries to sprint in. I tackled him to the ground. It was a busy Friday night, and since we don’t wear uniforms, everybody thought we were just fighting, and they kept trying to pull me off of him.”