While the media dwells on the Republican Party primaries, I prefer to focus my attention on the local elections. The California primary is so distant that it will have little or no impact in this national race anyway. For this reason, I have decided to take a closer look at the San Luis Obispo County supervisorial race.
San Luis Obispo County politics have always been colorful, but District 3 Supervisor Adam Hill has taken this precedent to a whole new level.
As you may know, Hill used his tenure at Cal Poly and so-called “connection” with the student body to beat his incumbent opponent Jerry Lenthall back in 2008. In retrospect, though, how has he directly supported students and recent graduates of this fine institution?
Anyone? (Cue crickets.)
Hill has done nothing but restrain our local economy. He constantly opts for more regulation and advances his intrusive agenda on our personal lives without any consideration of the “big picture.” He despises those who disagree with him, and most recently, has gone so far as to impersonate his opponent.
True story.
Here’s just a little snapshot of Hill’s confused agenda.
Do you enjoy ATV-ing at the Pismo Dunes? That’s unfortunate; if Hill had his way, this popular recreational activity would surely bite the dust. He has favored penalties against the local park if air pollution conditions don’t improve. A member of the Air Pollution Control Board, Supervisor Hill has attempted to force flawed studies in the face of the public to demonstrate that the ATVs are creating too much dust.
Hill and his allies neglect to consider the fact that the wind has kicked up similar amounts of dust on days when ATVs are not even out.
Likewise, as a member of the Integrated Waste Management Authority, the infamous “Plastic Bag Ban” was another one of Hill’s “priorities.” Personally, I have nothing against the movement toward a more sustainable form of shopping. After living abroad in Europe for a year, I know it can be done well if executed properly. But the “Plastic Bag Ban” was abrupt, undemocratic and forced on our small county.
In addition, the penalties are nothing less than Draconian. Small businesses that give free bags to consumers can face up to six months in jail, and businesses can be fined for $1,000 per day while a violation exists. But that didn’t stop Hill and his amigos from forcing it down our throats.
Indeed, Hill is an enemy of free speech. He has been known to censor the voices of those attacking his agenda, and he often resorts to groundless insults to assert himself. At a recent meeting, one community member spoke out against this inappropriate behavior. During the “Bag Ban” debate, Mr. Hill apparently made some “rude” comments about those who criticized the bag ban — accusations that had no basis or relevance to the discussion.
And most recently, Hill impersonated his political opponent, Councilman Ed Waage, in a phone call to Sheila Blake — a community member who wrote a critical letter to the editor. In the message recording (available online), he states the following: “Hi Mrs. Blake, I read your letter in the Tribune. Are you a communist, or a socialist, or both, or maybe a Marxist? This is Ed Waage. Just wanted to let you know what I thought.” Supervisor Hill first denied any knowledge of the message, then fessed up to it under pressure.
But did he apologize? Not really. When his fellow Supervisor Frank Mecham publicly requested an apology, Hill instead rationalized his crude, immature behavior by calling it “an innocent joke with a friend” which was ultimately “distorted.” Even his cronies, Supervisors Gibson and Patterson, stood by him to the bitter end. Gibson went as far as to criticize Mecham for making such a judgment and “elevating it well beyond any reason.”
Shame on Supervisor Mecham for trying to re-establish a sense of ethics on the Board! What nerve!
As District 3 Supervisor, Adam Hill carelessly represents a large portion of Cal Poly students and directly impacts our daily lives.
Do we really want four more years of incompetence?