I stopped by Dexter Lawn just to listen to the conversations going on. I wasn’t there for more than 10 minutes, but I could sense the intense hatred toward the anti-abortion boards and the people defending them. It was hard to take in; in the face of such wanton destruction of human life, still people cry, “My body! My choice! My rights! Mine! Mine!” Any good parent who would see their child screaming such phrases would immediately discipline them for extreme self-centeredness. Somehow, though, we have elevated this choice to kill a baby to the level of the almighty center of Western freedom. Why?
If women lose their “right” to abortion, what do they lose? Of course, they would be required to keep a child that they don’t want, but a lack of abortions doesn’t cause that. Ever since Daddy gave us “the talk” on the family room couch, we’ve known how to prevent an unwanted child: don’t have sex.
What if, just what if, this aversion to stopping abortion is caused by one faulty assumption: We think it’s our right to be able to have sex with anyone we want, however we want, whenever we want. We think that the end of sex is solely pleasure, and self-centered pleasure at that. Remove that one Sexual Revolution assumption and replace it with the tried-and-true, give-and-take marital union, and we will see the vast majority of abortions disappear.
By the way, the way I saw people defending abortion on Dexter Lawn was the same way an Iranian would react if boards depicting the Holocaust were to be propped up in Tehran. Please call abortion for what it is: an atrocity.