I had a nightmare that the America our founders created had been destroyed. The America that so many brave men and women had sacrificed their lives for no longer existed. I had a nightmare that our new president decided not to salute the flag.
I had a nightmare that civilians decided they know more than experienced military personnel and should make national security decisions instead. I had a nightmare that some people were so ignorant to realize that the war they were protesting was being fought to preserve their right to protest. I had a nightmare that “home of the brave” was removed from the National Anthem because it was insensitive to those who aren’t brave.
I had a nightmare that minority leaders no longer wanted equal rights, but special rights granted by politicians to gain power; that opportunities are granted to people based on the color of their skin or gender and not the content of their character. I had a nightmare that it was OK for minorities to have exclusive schools, scholarships, clubs, months and parades – black, gay, Hispanic, etc. Pride is acceptable, but if you say “white pride,” you’re a bigot.
I had a nightmare that our government granted amnesty to all illegal immigrants, thus cutting jobs for those who stood in line and arrived the right way.
I had a nightmare that someone could break into a hard-working American’s home and steal their property, then injure themselves and sue the property owner. I had a nightmare that prisoners were living in better conditions than some Americans. I had a nightmare that cities decided to promote illegal drug use with needle-exchange programs.
I had a nightmare that when students do poorly in their classes it’s the teacher’s fault, not the child or parent’s fault.
I had a nightmare that it was OK for some to express their religion by blocking the rights of others to express theirs. The words “Under God” could not be said by young children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at school because it offended those who don’t believe in God. I had a nightmare that the words mother and father were removed from textbooks because they were offensive to those who might have two fathers instead, never mind that it is impossible to have a child without a mother and father.
I had a nightmare that being politically correct was more important than saying or doing the right thing.
I had a nightmare that the Second Amendment was taken away and average citizens could no longer protect themselves. The government decided that we should enact gun control measures like in Canada and the U.K., even though crime rates have soared since the guns were taken away from honest citizens.
I had a nightmare that you could win a Nobel Prize for a fictitious subject. The biggest voice behind global warming once said the world was freezing a mere two decades ago (by the way, he’s not a scientist either).
I had a nightmare that capitalism was finally destroyed. Working hard is no longer encouraged. I had a nightmare that communism finally prevailed and “land of the free” was removed from the National Anthem.
I have a dream that the land of the free and home of the brave will reign again so our forefathers’ vision will not die in vain.
Michael Portugal is an agricultural systems management junior, a Mustang Daily guest columnist and a proud American.