During my three years here, Cal Poly has continuously tried to improve our registration and e-mail systems. Unfortunately, these “improvements” have made things worse. Every year I get more and more spam through my Oracle e-mail account, and registering has become harder than half the classes I am trying to enroll in. Not to mention the system that has been implemented can’t hold the amount of people trying to register and crashed numerous times throughout the day on Monday.
Instead of e-mails titled “Important Registration Dates,” we should be getting emails titled “Registration is Here: You’re Fucked” because with our current system, that is the reality. It took me 30 minutes to register for four classes on Monday. Not to mention I lost two of my classes because your system blows. Why don’t we just go back to the registration where I type my name and password in, type in my class numbers, hit send and be done?
I don’t need a green stoplight to let me know the class is open or a yellow one to let me know I’m waitlisted. In case you didn’t realize, we are in college and don’t need some crazy color-coordinated PeopleSoft bullshit to register for classes. Stop trying to make these things more hi-tech than they need to be so we don’t have to sit around and twiddle our thumbs while your shitty computer program is “processing” for 10 minutes for each class.