To describe New Jersey native and musical artist David W. Jacobson as a pioneer, an innovator and a visionary in relation to his chosen profession could be considered nothing less than accurate.
Jacobson’s latest musical venture, September’s Shadow, is a semi-collaborative effort titled “Hobson’s Journey.”
The album is divided into two completely separate parts. Tracks 1 through 9 are entitled “Hobson’s Choice.” They are a mix of Jacobson’s original musical offerings, fused together on
four brilliant tracks with the powerful vocal stylings offered up by fellow artists K.T. Wills and Stephanie Seskin.
“I’ve known both K.T. and Stephanie quite a while,” Jacobson said. “They both have phenomenal voices and it’s always great to work with them.”
Tracks 10 through 18 are entitled “The Journey Home From Rexel 4” and they are all uniquely Jacobson. These nine instrumental tracks reflect his incredible writing and musical abilities as an artist.
As you sample the first half of this incredibly enjoyable musical offering, you are transported into a world reminiscent of the early days of mod culture and retro new wave. It leaves you with impressions of early Depeche Mode and The Cure.
The second track, titled “Reprises,” features vocalist Stephanie Seskin. The track has a very pop, synthy, early ’80s vibe that is impossible to miss. Seskin’s strong yet sultry lyrics blended with Jacobson’s deep baritone back-up is a definite throwback to the very early days of Terry Nunn and Berlin.
“This album is going to appeal to a lot of people,” Jacobson said. “The fact that the ’80s seem to be making quite a resurgence is great, particularly in terms of an audience for this (album).”
While the tracks go in the retro direction, one or two simultaneously move the music toward the direction of a modern impression.
The sixth track, titled “The Cut,” once again features Seskin and her incredible vocal work, although on this track the vibe is taken in another direction.
Seskin’s voice is simultaneously mellow, yet strong and forceful. Her style here is very reflective of an Amy Winehouse-type of vibe.
“A lot of the harmonies that were in the chorus were her idea,” Jacobson said. “She does a lot of funk and jazz infusion. The Amy Winehouse thing definitely works for her.”
The strong and melodic vocals that Wills delivers on
“I Sent The Letter” and “Never Felt Like Home” give Seskin a definite run for her money. Wills performs her duets with Jacobson in flawless fashion, her sweet voice conjuring up memories of an era that she makes easily accessible. Jacobson talked about needing to make contact with both Wills and Seskin. He said he will be in need of their vocal abilities as he is currently working on ideas for his next musical project.
“My next album is going to be another one of my solo acoustic works,” Jacobson explained. “It’s not going to be a September’s Shadow album, but a David W. Jacobson album.”
As far as other collaborations are concerned, Jacobson talked excitedly about whom he would like to work with, if he were given the option. The first thing Jacobson said he would like to do would be to work with one of his all-time favorite producers.
“I would love to bring in Brian Eno and have him produce some of my stuff,” Jacobson said. “That would be really cool.”
Jacobson continued by revealing the top male and top female artist he would like to perform a duet with in the future.
“Well, as for the top female, it would have to be Shirley Manson from Garbage. I think she is just great,” Jacobson said. “I think for the male it would be Bono because U2 is timeless.”
Jacobson spoke of the not-too-distant days, weeks, months and years that lie ahead. Whether he is writing, producing and playing his own eclectic brand of unique and enjoyable sounds, or collaborating with other highly talented artists, Jacobson’s future continues to brighten as he carves a cutting-edge path through the ever-changing musical landscape.
Jacobson chose to elaborate on the obscure nature of which the catch phrase “Hobson’s Journey” originated. He said it came from a failed comic book idea he encountered when he was a young kid. He said the bizarre phrase stuck with him and he eventually decided to put it to some use on this project. Jacobson said the phrase basically translates into something that means “a choice that’s not really a choice at all.” He likened it to someone being able to choose between this and that, and the alternative is there is really no choice.
“It’s like this,” Jacobson said. “You can pretty much go into the water in cement shoes, or I can light you on fire with gasoline.”
The oddly obscure phrase is catchy, likable and memorable. Much like Jacobson’s music, it is sure to stick around, becoming part of the ethereal landscape that is the ever-evolving art form known as music.
In retrospect, “Hobson’s Journey” is an incredible new wave-sounding compilation, simultaneously blending past and present into an enjoyable cacophony of sounds that successfully translates itself into the future.