Get ready to run for sexual assault awareness and prevention.
The sixth annual Run to Remember race is today at 6 p.m.
The five-kilometer evening race is a fundraiser for Remember Week, which is meant to raise awareness of sexual assault and violence against women.
Run to Remember is organized by the Sexual Assault Free Environment Resource, or SAFER, which is Cal Poly’s sexual assault resource and prevention program.
SAFER is a joint program between Student Life & Leadership and the Sexual Assault Recovery and Prevention (SARP) center, which provides at 24-hour crisis line, counseling, advocacy and accompaniment services to survivors of sexual assault.
SAFER program coordinator Mariana Lightman said the run was moved from spring quarter to fall quarter two years ago because they wanted to include the run in their First 30 Days program.
Statistically, a woman is most likely to be sexually assaulted in the first 30 days of her college career.
Therefore, SAFER wants to highlight the importance of safety and awareness early in the school year with events like those of Remember Week.
“It’s a good way to raise sexual awareness,” Lightman said.
“We’ve been having programs in the dorms like self-defense classes for the First 30 Days campaign.”
People can register online at www.studentlife.calpoly.edu/sfr/run.asp or at the SAFER office in UU room 217.
Registration is $20. The money goes toward funding the program so more awareness events can be held and more support can be given.
Runners are encouraged to race with a buddy to signify the need for the safety of women running at night and that women are not alone in doing so.
The course starts on the Health Center lawn and continues around the Cal Poly campus, as far as the baseball fields and back to the lawn.
Adam Serafin, a Cal Poly graduate and current Student Life & Leadership employee, has been a participant in the race all five years he has attended Cal Poly.
“It’s a great opportunity to support the SAFER program and go out and visibly show your support,” Serafin said.
“(Sexual assault and prevention) is an issue that needs to be addressed.”
Serafin emphasized the need for men to do their part in working against sexual assault.
“Men especially need to step up. It’s not just a woman’s issue but involves men as well,” he said.
Grand prizes such as certificates are awarded to the first three male and female runners.
The first 200 will receive a T-shirt.
Runners also get SLO Passports, snacks and a water bottle and flashlights provided by the San Luis Obispo Police Department.
This year’s sponsors include many businesses – Boston Bagel, Mondeo, Stenner Glen, Trader Joe’s, the Kennedy Fitness Club – and Cal Poly President Warren Baker’s office, which funded a lot of the event.