Let me tell you that I agree that some of the legislature your article discussed was extreme. But that is where agreement ends between us. Your traditional “values” are downright offensive to anyone, let alone the subjects you discussed.
Did you ever stop to consider the feelings of someone with gender identity issues? Their chromosomes say MALE, but their mind screams FEMALE or vice versa. Which bathroom do they use? In either one they could use the facilities without really disturbing anyone. After all, that’s what bathroom stalls are for.
I would also like to know why we can’t include historical figures who were homosexual, bisexual or transsexual in our textbooks. Isn’t the point that they were historical figures and did us some great historical service? Then what’s the problem if they are of an alternative sexuality? If your column was written 50 to 60 years ago, you might have put down legislation denying black people the right to get a fair chance at education or voting. So is there REALLY something wrong with teaching our children that all sorts of people can accomplish anything?
There are many more points I could call you out on, but I do not have the space. So I would like to drive this final point home: when you deny one group of people their rights, you’ve denied every other group their rights as well.