A recent Facebook group — R.I.P. ;; In memory of the recent suicides due to gay abuse, wear purple — was created to recognize the growing national problem of gay suicide across the nation. Today is a day of honor to remember the gay teens who have taken their own lives within the last few months.
The event was initially started to honor the six gay boys who recently committed suicide as explained in the event description, involves wearing purple today. With more than 1,276,945 Facebook members attending the event as of Oct. 18, many gays, allies and students see this as a positive way to raise awareness about gay suicide.
Food science junior Katie Ahamed said the group is a good idea because it brings awareness to the issue.
“People need to stop turning a blind eye because that doesn’t help anybody,” she said.
Although there has been a lot of media coverage about gay suicide on a national level, some are unaware of the suicides occurring in San Luis Obispo.
“I know of a couple suicides that weren’t talked about,” said Barbara Adams, the president of the Central Coast chapter of Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). “I think that they should have been; the families didn’t want to let it out.”
Despite a lack of awareness throughout the general population, many residents of San Luis Obispo are concerned — concerned enough to recognize the recent suicides at a vigil last week.
Kris Gottlieb, a member of the AmeriCorps and assistant coordinator of the Pride Center on campus said the problem needs acknowledgment.
“It is absolutely necessary for people to understand what is going on,” Gottlieb said.
While the Facebook group has obviously attracted more than a million of Facebook members, the question remains whether those who accepted the invitation will actually wear purple this week.
“I hope people come out and wear purple,” Ahamed said. “I probably will. I want to wear purple.”
Adams said although the vigil and Facebook event are steps in the right direction, there is still more San Luis Obispo residents can do.
“Education (about sexuality) needs to start early and continue through elementary school, that way the bullying won’t be as bad,” Adams said.
Also, there are programs available to help parents and young adults communicate about issues. In PFLAG training programs, volunteers visit schools to educate children about bullying. Gottlieb stressed education like this as a means to alleviating some of the problems.
“We need to teach not just tolerance, but the idea that we are more alike than we are different,” Gottlieb said.
Gottlieb also shared some shocking figures about gay suicides — for every one successful suicide there are at least 100 unsuccessful attempts. In order to decrease this number, Steve Click, a member of PFLAG, and his husband Dana Belmonte said children and teens should be aware of support systems that are out there.
“Things are certainly better here for gay youth,” Belmonte said.
With organizations like PFLAG and the Pride Center on campus, both Click and Belmonte said times have improved for gay youth and young adults, but admitted the problems for them have not been solved.
“Five to eight years ago kids were struggling,” Click said. “Now with the youth Gay Straight Alliance, there is some support in schools.”
Despite the increase in support, there are still suicides in the gay community.
“We have become complacent because it’s not happening (as much) here, but it could,” Click said.
The overwhelming support of the Facebook group comes with a word of caution from Click.
“More information is getting out there, but I fear it will fall into the back of the closet after it’s over and (improvements) wont happen,” he said.
However, those concerned remain hopeful bullying will someday cease and acceptance will prevail, allowing the gay suicide rate to drop.
“I want nothing more than the suffering of these kids to be lifted,” Gottlieb said.
Those interested in becoming an ally can attend training on Nov. 4 from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 to 4 p.m. in the University Union (UU) Plaza.