Journalism senior Colin Rizzo is just one week from graduation. While Rizzo has done much to be proud of while at Cal Poly, he said he intends to do much more after he graduates.
One of those goals involves acquiring a master’s degree, said Rizzo, who has been admitted to Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs in New York City.
“But I have deferred grad school so that I can gain a year or two of professional political experience,” Rizzo said.
The words “political” and “experience” are terms that Rizzo has had more than a passing acquaintance with over the past year or two.
Each spring, Cal Poly accepts applications in the “Learn by Doing” internship program. Rizzo promptly submitted his application to attend the Leon and Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public Policy. Following a lengthy process, he was chosen by President Warren Baker and a selection committee to represent Cal Poly for the fall 2006 internship program.
Rizzo said the course at the Panetta Institute is intense but also satisfying.
“We attend the Panetta Institute for two rigorous weeks beginning in September,” Rizzo said. “Then we go to D.C. from mid-September to the end of December. It really prepares you for the political world of Washington.”
Daniel Howard-Greene, Baker’s chief of staff and a member of the selection committee, said Rizzo was an immediate stand-out in the field of applicants.
“We were all quite impressed with his qualifications,” Howard-Greene said. “Colin was subsequently selected to represent Cal Poly.”
Howard-Greene said that the internship program is great experience for any student who has the opportunity to become involved.
“It’s a very valuable program in terms of workshop seminar preparation that students receive,” Howard-Greene said. “The opportunity to meet with policy leaders from both governmental and academic sectors and the hands-on experience received in an office of a member of Congress while in residence in Washington, D.C. (are valuable) as well.”
Rizzo said that he was placed in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office while he was in D.C.
“I worked in the press office and then in the speaker’s private office,” Rizzo said. “I worked very closely with Speaker Pelosi on many matters.”
One good thing led to another, he said. Rizzo was able to do some brief work with presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton during spring break.
“I was traveling with the senator doing advancement work for the campaign,” Rizzo said.
He added: “Advancement means you travel with the candidate, walk through the event premise and assist with the event plan.”
Rizzo said that work he did afforded him some incredible knowledge and experience.
“I did work in Boston, New Hampshire and Beverly Hills,” Rizzo said. “While in Boston and New Hampshire, we were working on public events.”
Along with the Panetta Institute, Pelosi and then Clinton, Rizzo first gained some valuable working experience in California.
“In the summer of 2005, I was able to intern for Gov. Schwarzenegger and the California Assembly,” Rizzo said. “I broadened my working knowledge which helped tremendously later on.”
Agribusiness senior Grant Zanini, Rizzo’s close friend, said he is not surprised by Rizzo’s accomplishments.
“Colin has the drive, the motivation and the ability to be successful at whatever he does,” Zanini said.
Those who know Rizzo know that he is as humble an individual as he is grateful for his experiences.
“Colin is pretty laid back,” Zanini said, “but he still works for what he wants.”
Rizzo himself displays his humble nature as he spoke words of gratitude and thanks.
“I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of great opportunities and experiences,” Rizzo said.
“I am really honored to have been a student of Mr. Panetta, to have worked for Speaker Pelosi and with the opportunity Sen. Clinton’s office has afforded me as well.”
Zanini said that, as far as Rizzo’s future is concerned, everything is very much open to him.
“It would not surprise me in the least to see him doing big things in a few years, whether it be in the White House or something else high up in politics,” Zanini said. “I have no doubt that you’ll see him at least as a senator someday.”
As far as employment is concerned, Rizzo said he is currently entertaining a few tangible offers.
“Right now, there are possibilities ranging from Gov. Schwarzenegger to Speaker Pelosi to Sen. Clinton,” Rizzo said. “I am very satisfied with everything.”
And as for that incredible structure located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
“Patience and hard work are the keys to accomplishing any goal,” Rizzo said. “Nothing is out of the question.”