In a time when needle and thread may seem outdated, the ReMEmber Quilt Project opted for just those tools, crafting a quilt to confront the issue of violence against women.
The ReMEmber Week program was initiated in 2000 in response to three missing San Luis Obispo students, Rachel Newhouse, Aundria Crawford and Kristin Smart. The quilt is dedicated to the memory of the three women, as well as to all victims and survivors of sexual assault.
More than 10 years ago, the red handprint symbol was established as a reminder of sexual violence on Cal Poly’s campus. Since its installation, the handprints have evolved as a symbol for the Sexual Assault-Free Environment Resource (S.A.F.E.R.) program and can be found around campus where sexual assault occurred.
The annual ReMEmber Week features events dedicated to promoting awareness regarding sexual assault and violence toward women. The quilt is a tangible result of the program, with the red handprint serving as the unifying theme woven throughout.
“The quilt is a great collaboration of many organizations both on campus and in the community,” said S.A.F.E.R. director Julia Sinclair-Palm.
It is comprised of 51 individual blocks designed by both experienced and novice quilters, students, faculty, staff, organizations and community members.
“While the ReMEmber Quilt serves as a reminder to people that sexual assault happens, it also provides an avenue for survivors to share their stories,” said ASI Chief of Staff Becca Swanson. “The quilt has significant meaning to the Women’s Center and this campus, because every day we can look at it and remember all survivors of sexual assault and violence.”
The quilt is always on display in the Women’s Center, room 217 in the University Union.
Students are welcome to view the project, or hang out in the center during UU hours of operation, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. The center is open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays and noon to 7 p.m. Sundays.
“I think the quilt is a part of Cal Poly’s history of commitment to remembering the individual victims and survivors of sexual assault and making the community a safer place,” said Denise Campbell, ReMEmber Quilt Project coordinator.
For more information on the ReMEmber Quilt or other programs that deal wih sexual assault, contact Women’s Programs visit or call at 756-2600.