Movies, popcorn and posters vacated the University Union over the summer as InsomniacU said goodbye and an empty space took over. The space is now being looked at by the University Union Advisory Board (UUAB) to see what should fill the spot.
The UUAB has determined that based on student input, “the upper level of the UU should be zoned for student study space and lounging and that the lower level of the UU should be dedicated to retail space and (Associated Student Inc.) programs,” UUAB Chairman Brandon Souza said.
With this on its mind, the UUAB started talking to various campus student groups such as clubs, councils, fraternities and sororities to see what students would prefer in the space.
“The overwhelming response from students was that they would like to see some sort of expanded retail food venue in that space – preferably the expansion of the already existing coffee shop (Julian’s) to give it more of a casual caf‚ feel than just that of a walk-up service,” Souza said.
This change requires correlation between Cal Poly Corp., the owner of Julian’s, the UUAB and ASI. They are seriously looking into joining the two spaces to extend the coffee shops and are still discussing it at this point.
Students will continue to have a say in the issue as the process continues and Souza assures “the decision about what to do with the space has and will continue to be student-driven.”
“I’d like to see a convenience store where students could pick up snacks, magazines or small school supplies,” said Dimitri Antoniou, environmental management and protection junior. “Something similar to a 7-Eleven.”
As of now, the Cal Poly Corp. is working with a consultant to look at campus dining in general and the space-filling decision will come after all options are looked at. As this continues, “ASI will look to open up the space in the interim to allow extra seating and study space for students,” Souza said.
InsomniacU left over the summer after the owners relocated to Northern California, bringing the business with them. The bookstore has been using the 336 square feet over the last couple of quarters for extra book buyback space.