I’m like that terrible relief pitcher from your favorite baseball team — you can’t get rid of me and you yell, “Oh, come on. Not that guy.”
That’s right. After a five month hiatus from beer snobbery, I’m back to delight the masses with more “well thought-out” and “insightful” commentary on beer!
Speaking of baseball though, isn’t it the one sport where you’re encouraged to kick back and have a few beers while you’re watching a game?
It’s like a rite of passage. As a young man, you sit there with your pops as he tosses a few back and laments on how so-and-so just isn’t hitting the southpaws well enough.
As the game goes on, pops gets more bitter toward the team and life in general.
Society says you’re not truly a man until you can sit there with your old man, have a few drinks yourself and wallow in the fact that your team (the Chicago Cubs) hasn’t won a world championship in More than 100 years. OK, so maybe that’s just me. Hey, we can’t all be Yankees fans can we?
But I’ve come to realize that it wasn’t really pops’s fault that he was so bitter; it was the six Milwaukee’s Bests he just had.
You see, if you’re going to drink a lot of beer in one sitting without the full intention of being drunk, you need to have something nice on hand that’s flavorful and not jam-packed with alcohol. Yes, believe it or not, some people actually enjoy the taste of beer, not just the effect it has on them.
Many beer snobs call this kind of drinking a “session.” With that in mind, here are a few “sessionable” beers to drink when you’re just in the mood for a six pack of nice beer that you can drink in one sitting. (Keep in mind these are in no particular order.)
1. Great White – ABV 4.8 percent
Great White is probably the most well known of the Lost Coast Brewery’s beers. It is unfiltered and heavy on the wheat with a light citrusy taste. It’s not the best witbier or “white beer” I’ve ever had, but it is very drinkable. I could drown myself in a six pack and not even know it.
I always try to support West Coast breweries as often as I can, and Lost Coast is based in Eureka. It’s definitely a spring or summertime beverage. If you can find it on tap around here, it’s absolutely amazing straight from the keg on a warm day.
2. Newcastle Brown Ale – ABV 4.7 percent
Chances are, if you’re reading this column, you’ve at least tried Newcastle before. It’s probably the United Kingdom’s most famous beer.
The British are well known for their brown ales and this is the standard bearer for that reputation.
If you’re an anti-hoppy beer kind of person, Newcastle may be for you. There is almost no discernible hop scent or taste.
Newcastle has a slight molasses taste to it. Some people find it too strong, but I think it is one of the more drinkable beers available in most grocery stores.
3. Hoegaarden – ABV 4.9 percent
If you’re not willing to try this beer based on the name alone, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Hoegaarden (actually pronounced who-gar-den) is probably my favorite witbier, and possibly my favorite “sessionable” beer. It’s a Belgian witbier with subtle spices that just add to the flavor. If you’re pouring this beer into a beer glass, follow the instructions on the box to unlock the full potential of the beer by getting all the goodies out.
Hold your bottle up to a light and peer into it. No that’s not lint or dirt you’re seeing in there, trust me.
The beer is perfect for a hot summer afternoon of watching the Cubs lose 7-1 to an equally horrible team. It makes it almost bearable to be a Chicago sports fan.
It has become increasingly more available in the area. Many of the local grocery stores carry it, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding it in San Luis Obispo.
4. Fat Tire Amber Ale – ABV 5.2 percent
Someone once told me that Fat Tire was a “girlie beer” to which I replied, “Girls drink beer?”
But seriously, Fat Tire has quickly become the darling of the beer world.
Most of the New Belgium Brewery recipes are sessionable, and Fat Tire is no different. The flavor is malty and pleasant, but not over the top. If you’re going to have a session, you don’t want too many complex flavors. The point of a session is to like what you’re having with minimal thought and maximum enjoyment.
Scott Silvey is the former Mustang Daily Sports Editor and a journalism senior. He spends most of his paychecks on beer and a lot of his time watching the Cubs lose on WGN.