Women’s Programs and Services is accepting nominations for the 25th Annual Woman of the Year Award in five categories until Feb. 16.
The event recognizes influential women and male allies in five different categories who have made a difference on campus.
The type of person that receives the award is “someone who has either touched someone’s life or has done something honorable that needs to be mentioned,” said Danielle Larimer, a journalism senior and event coordinator.
The awards ceremony, which takes place on March 16 at 10:30 a.m. in Chumash Auditorium, will honor all five winners with an award and brunch.
In past years, only three categories were honored (Staff Woman of the Year, Faculty Woman of the Year and Student Woman of the Year), however, two additional awards were added this year.
“We are having two new categories this year which we have never done before; Volunteer Woman of the Year and Male Ally of the Year,” Larimer said.
Volunteer Woman of the Year will be a person that contributes to Cal Poly “in their free time and unpaid,” Larimer said.
The Male Ally award will be given to one man on campus who has been supportive of women in the other award categories.
Past winners have included Katie Bangs, Cal Poly coordinator of student development; Becca Swanson, Associated Students Inc. chief of staff; and communications studies professor Ronda Beaman.
“Woman of the Year is a distinct and special honor because it comes from the audience you most hope to inspire, reach, teach and move: your students and colleagues,” Beaman said in an e-mail interview. “I was feeling really excited and proud just to be nominated, (because) all of the nominees were such extraordinary educators, leaders and women.”
Although not many nominations have been turned into the Women’s Programs and Services office, Larimer is expecting a number of forms to be turned in prior to the deadline, Feb. 16.
“It is everyone’s responsibility to notice effort and grace and potential,” Beaman said. “I make nominations every year. There are hundreds of Women of the Year, every day in every classroom, office and field at Cal Poly!”
The winners are chosen through two committees set up by the Women’s Programs and Services office. The first, a student committee, votes on Faculty, Staff and Volunteer Women of the Year. The second committee, comprised of faculty and staff members, votes on a Student Woman of the Year and on a Male Ally.
Each committee has roughly five voting members who are recruited by the coordinator of the event. Those nominated are unable to vote.
Winners will be announced at the Woman of the Year brunch where guests will eat, mingle and hear speeches from past winners and active members of the campus community.
At the event, all those nominated will receive recognition through a certificate and the winners will be given a special prize. Past prizes have included mugs, plaques and plants.
Anyone at Cal Poly can submit nominations for the award. Nomination forms are available at and can be turned in to the University Union, room 217. Forms are also available by request at womenoftheyear07@gmail.com.