The return of the Cal Poly surfing club team has been long overdue, but finally the club is back to hit the waves.
The group’s president, business sophomore Derek Davis, started recruiting students last quarter after realizing all the interest in surfing around campus.
Cal Poly competes against other schools and provides an opportunity to surf with friends and network for rides to the beach.
The club recently returned from its first National Scholastic Surfing Association competition in Ventura on Jan. 20. Placing 24th out of 29 teams, the all-day competition began at 6:45 a.m. and consisted of 29 total heats with 15 heats in the first round and whoever advances to the top three in the second.
Cal Poly shortboarder and agricultural business senior Matt Cooke advanced to the second round.
“There was a lot of good competition who really rip from other schools,” Cooke said.
While Mira Costa College of Manhattan Beach won the competition, there was a mix of UC and CSU schools as well as community colleges that competed in the heat.
“There are 29 teams total and at least 18 or 19 are state or UC schools, the rest are community colleges,” Cooke said. “I’m just really happy that Cal Poly is getting on the boat.”
The surf club is now looking to end the season stronger as it takes on its next competition from Feb. 9 to 10 in Huntington Beach.
However, Cal Poly surf club team member and biology sophomore Megan Cimino made it clear that those interested don’t have to surf competitively to be in the club.
“We plan to have surf trips and social events for the rest of the year,” she said.
The club plans on visiting South Jetty, Sands Pitts and the Hazards around this area, as well as a trip to Mexico or Big Sur for spring break.
Tryouts were held two weeks ago at Studio Drive in Cayucos.
“Sixteen people came out for nine spots,” Davis said. “And this was within a week of advertising.”
Similar to an NSSA competition, the people trying out had a five-minute paddle out with 15-minute heats. Selection was based on their averaged scores in technique, style and wave selection.
The team is made of nine people – six male shortboarders, two female shortboarders and one longboarder.
Currently, it costs $30 per competition with a $60 membership fee that covers the year. The season runs from October to February, with four competitions throughout the year and finals ending in March.
Club vice president and philosophy sophomore Patti Alleborn has been surfing since she was 12 years old and teamed up with Davis to start the club last quarter.
“It has been a struggle, but it’s a lot of fun,” she said. “I’ve gotten to know a lot of cool, unique, fun people and just surfing with everyone is way chill.”