Students associated with Triota, a feminist club on campus, gathered Thursday morning to protest a display hosted by Cal Poly Students for Life on Dexter Lawn. The display included posters claiming Planned Parenthood sells baby parts and betrays women. Students who supported Planned Parenthood stood in front of the display and yelled comments such as “stop spreading lies” and “pro-choice.”
Agriculture business senior, Gabriela Gomez (in red), is a part of Cal Poly Students for Life. “What we have today is just a display of this gentleman named David Daleiden, he actually made a couple videos where he went in and did investigations about Planned Parenthood and found out that a lot of information was illegal that they were doing. We feel like a lot of people don’t know a lot of story behind it so we kind of want to give them our side of the story of what we know.”
Modern languages and literature freshman Dominic Scialabba protested along with other students from Cal Poly in front of the Cal Poly Students for Life display. “Cal Poly Students for Life, they’re spreading lies about Planned Parenthood, saying that Planned Parenthood betrays women in a way … if people are misinformed about this when they’re already not informed at all about Planned Parenthood, they’re going to be more shifted to be against Planned Parenthood, which is not what we really need in this country right now.”