Strategically placed banners around campus with the phrase “Vote: One Voice, 17,000 Strong” are calling the Cal Poly community to vote in the Associated Students, Inc. elections, which take place today and Thursday throughout campus.
This is part of ASI’s push for an increased voter turnout in the elections.
Students are encouraged to cast their votes to choose their new ASI president and board of directors representatives for each of Cal Poly’s six colleges.
Each student will choose one of the two candidates for ASI president, either Anne Giapapas or Todd Maki. The elected student will serve as the head of the ASI student government and chief student advocate for the upcoming school year.
Additionally, they will choose students to serve on the board of directors, a number that will vary depending upon the number of seats available for each college’s board. This result is determined by the number of students in the college and can range from three to five students, said John Azevedo, chair of the ASI elections committee and computer engineering senior.
Those elected will comprise the board of directors for the $11 million corporation that is ASI, Azevedo said.
Board members sit on all college councils to reach out to clubs, getting and giving feedback.
“(Members) are the deciding body for this nonprofit business,” Azevedo said. “(They are) the liaison between ASI and the student body.”
This year, there are 45 students on the ballot for the 25 positions available.
In today and tomorrow’s elections, ASI is pushing for a 25 percent voter turnout.
“Voting is notoriously low in colleges,” Azevedo said. “Most CSUs (California State Universities) are well below 10 percent. For us to shoot higher is a huge statement (for) Cal Poly.”
On the ASI Web site, Tylor Middlestadt, Cal Poly’s current ASI president, urged students to vote because ASI representatives are the voice of the student body.
Polls will open around campus at 8 a.m. today and tomorrow, and most will remain open until 4 p.m. The polls in the University Union and the Education building will remain open until 7:30 p.m.
Be sure to bring your student I.D. cards, as votes cannot be cast without them.