Expect to see various concerts throughout the year in the University Union. The most recent concert was by Blue Scholars in Sept.
While you might know Associated Students, Inc.’s (ASI) philosophy is to “be every student’s connection to the ultimate college experience,” the average Cal Poly student might question how the financial budget is dispersed.
The current programs funded by ASI are the Children’s Center, club services, student government, Poly Escapes and ASI Events.
The budget is distributed so proposals must first go through the business and finance committee beginning in the winter. By spring, all the information is sent to be reviewed by representatives of the ASI Board of Directors, Crawford said.
In 2001, a referendum proposed a $40-per-student fee to fund ASI club services, Poly Escapes, student government and ASI Events. The vote resulted in 1147 in favor and 831 in opposition.
The new fee went into effect one year later, and today students pay ASI approximately $53 per quarter.
This year’s $200,000 ASI event budget, lower than in previous years, prevents ASI Events from splurging on a big-name artist to perform at Cal Poly. Mustang News reported this week that the cost of booking a big-name artist would cost ASI Events about half its annual budget.
But in an online survey, the majority of students polled said they would rather have ASI Events spend its money on one large show than on several medium-sized ones.
“I think I would rather see ASI event funds go towards a big-name artist at Cal Poly,” liberal studies freshman Mary Johnson said. “It would be a great time and I feel like more students would come out to the event.”
In regards to different student opinions on campus, ASI Events has taken a different approach this year to tailor their programs to student needs.
“Since we are using student funds to program for students, (ASI Events) wants to know what students want to do,” ASI program coordinator Missi Bullock said. “It is essential to our function to know what students like and what they will attend.”
For this reason, Bullock started the Campus Events Advisory Board. Though the committee is still in its initial stages, it is looking to expand.
ASI Program Coordinator Michelle Crawford explained that it is important for the events team to not solely target the mass population.
Ultimately, ASI Events feels like “success” is more than just a large attendance turn out.
“The goal of ASI Events is to always put on events that students want,” Crawford said. “There are some events that do attract the broad masses, which is excellent, but ASI also has a commitment to bring diverse events to campus.
“It’s okay that we are hosting an event that only attracts 400 students because maybe those are 400 students that haven’t attended any other event this entire year.”
ASI Events hopes that by gathering students who are passionate about music, comedy, events and other forms of entertainment, the Campus Advisory Board will create a new avenue to student opinions, Bullock said.
“We want to make sure we are creating an atmosphere where students are comfortable and engaged. In the eyes of ASI Events, (a small event) can be a great success. We want to make sure we are engaging all students on campus,” Crawford said.
To join the advisory board, email asievents@asi.calpoly.edu.