Mustang News Staff Report
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Cal Poly Arts is presenting Blue Man Group at the Performing Arts Center (PAC) on Sept. 23 and 24. The world-renowned Blue Man Group puts on an imaginative stage show that combines comedy, percussion-driven music, special effects and instruments for an interactive evening that is unlike any other spectacle you’ve seen.
Here are 10 reasons you should be in the audience.
1. This visual extravaganza will make your first week of school that much better.
2. Students get 20 percent off any seat with their Cal Poly ID.
3. Instead of having to travel to Vegas, Blue Man Group will be right here on campus for a much less expensive price.
4. The show is interactive — the audience plays a large part in the high-energy show.
5. The show has no spoken words, so it is perfect for people of all ages, languages and cultures.
6. This is your opportunity to get a “wow” factor even though Week of Welcome (WOW) will be over. The show includes comedy, as well, not just music and special effects.
7. It’s a great opportunity for freshmen to meet people or hang out friends from WOW.
8. This is a perfect chance to see a professional touring show and experience the incredible Performing Arts Center.
9. Blue Man Group shows have been described by critics as “innovative and wildly energetic” – you won’t be bored!
10. The show sold out when Blue Man Group came to San Luis Obispo two years ago, so buy your discount student tickets as soon as possible.
Tickets can be purchased online or at the PAC Ticket Office in person or over the phone: 756-4849.
Cal Poly Arts offers student discounts and at-door student rush on most of their season shows at the PAC and in the Spanos Theatre. To find out what else is coming to campus, visit